

作为我们日常生活的一部分!”功能, we recognize Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.  


作为我们日常生活的一部分!”功能, we recognize 12 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.  

This week, on behalf of the entire Penn State community, we’d like to say thank you to: 

Heather Agnello, proposal and award generalist at Penn State Behrend她的提名人写道:“希瑟是一位了不起的团队成员. 她每天都给我们的办公室带来幽默和欢乐. We are so lucky that she took a leap of faith and joined our newly formed team last summer.” 

帕梅拉 Brobst, special events coordinator at Penn State Abington, whose nominator wrote: “Pam goes above and beyond each semester to ensure that our commencements are centered on our students and their families, 朋友和来宾. 今年也不例外!” 

雪利酒 Cooley-Johnson, financial assistant in the Black School of Business at Penn State Behrend, whose nominator wrote: “雪利酒 exemplifies what it means to be the best. Whether it is her duties or the little extras, she puts 110% into everything she does. “贝伦德能请到她是我们的幸运.” 

乔斯林Neiderer, team marketing coordinator for the Food Family and Health and Food Safety and Quality teams at Penn State Extension, whose nominator wrote: “乔斯林 is a positive and caring team member who seeks to improve processes and innovate new solutions to support organizational goals. 乔斯林 often goes out of her way to help others while maintaining a busy workload, 她领导正直.” 

黛比Lissenden, director of records and core curriculum for undergraduate education in the Smeal College of Business, whose nominator wrote: “黛比 is the go-to contact for any questions related to curriculum and records management. 她热情好客,乐于助人. She consistently goes above and beyond her job responsibilities and is a positive and calming presence. 她的努力工作和支持的领导风格令人鼓舞.” 

艾米丽 Lombardi, customized programs coordinator for education abroad at Penn State Global, whose nominator wrote: “艾米丽 is consistently going above and beyond to support the team with new ideas and projects, 每当我们需要帮手时,她都会挺身而出. She helps colleagues in other areas when she can and is willing to learn new things and teach others. 她是我们团队中很重要的一员.” 

塔拉 Mondock, associate director of client relations at Penn State Extension, whose nominator wrote: “塔拉 embraces the meaning of ‘我们是’ by treating all Extension employees with the connection one would feel as a friend. She routinely mails cards to our team members to let them know they are supported. She believes that human connection is what matters in making us a great University.” 

阿维斯 O’Donnell, housing assignment coordinator for Auxiliary and Business Services, whose nominator wrote: “阿维斯 provides amazing customer service to our residential student population and to parents and families. 她能迅速提供支持并回答问题, 超越并满足学生的要求. She looks for ways to make it all work out for them, which I don't think they realize!” 

玛丽莎 Rosensteel, director of events for Intercollegiate 体育运动, whose nominator wrote: “玛丽莎 has excellent leadership skills, 其中之一就是她建立高效团队的能力. 她是一个优秀的沟通者. She establishes priorities and recognizes that leveraging each team member's unique background and perspective is critical to achieving the goals of the team.”   

Aneesah Smith, director of diversity, equity and inclusion at Penn State Abington, whose nominator wrote: “Aneesah creates home away from home at the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and creates inclusion and belonging in all spaces she leads and inhabits. 这是一份让所有人都感到肯定和包容的礼物. 她离开了员工, 学生和教师都比她发现的好, 在他们最需要的时候表现出尊严和善良.” 

Chris Walters, senior coordinator for student success at Penn State Abington, 他的提名人写道:“作为CARE团队的一员, Chris sees our students when they are at their worst — when they’re dealing with academic, 社会和财政挑战. He treats all students 在他们最需要的时候表现出尊严和善良.”  

Curtis Wengert, manager of housing and food services at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校, whose nominator wrote: “I want to recognize Curt and his staff for hosting the amazing retreat our SCUP MidAtlantic Regional Council held at 蒙特中音 in May. Everyone in attendance remarked about how welcoming and professional everyone at the campus was." 

谢谢你希瑟, 帕梅拉, 雪利酒, 乔斯林, 黛比, 艾米丽, 塔拉, 阿维斯, 玛丽莎, Aneesah, Chris and Curtis — and to everyone who helps make Penn State such an incredible community! 

你知道哪个欧博体育官网的学生值得我们大声喊出来吗? If you do, consider nominating that individual by filling out a 网上简短表格